Non-ferrous casting



Kunshan Non-ferrous metals Casting Co., Ltd.

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Copper casting production

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Copper casting production

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  • Release date:2024/07/24
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Detailed introduction

Copper casting production is a widely used in the industrial field of manufacturing and processing, copper castings are mainly used in high-purity copper alloy materials for melting and casting processing, through the casting molding, cleaning the surface, heat treatment and other processes, and ultimately get the copper parts to meet customer requirements. Copper castings have good thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance and plasticity and other excellent properties, so they are widely used in electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, ships and automobile manufacturing and other fields.

The production process of copper castings generally includes the following main steps:

First, select the appropriate copper alloy material. Copper castings in the production of copper alloy materials need to be selected according to the requirements of the use of copper alloy materials, generally selected copper alloys are pure copper, bronze, brass, etc., different alloy compositions and performance characteristics will affect the quality and performance of the final product.

Secondly, make the mold of copper casting. According to the product design drawings and requirements, make the corresponding sand or metal molds for casting molding. The quality and precision of the mold directly affects the quality of the finished copper castings, so the production process and precision of the mold requires a high degree of precision.

Next, melt the copper alloy material. The selected copper alloy material is put into the melting furnace for melting according to the ratio, and the melting temperature and time are controlled so that the copper alloy material is fully melted and reaches the required casting temperature.

Then, casting molding. The melted copper alloy material is poured into the pre-prepared mold, and when the copper alloy is cooled and solidified, the mold is removed, the surface is cleaned, and the preliminary molding of the copper casting is obtained.

Next, heat treatment and finishing. Heat treatment of copper castings is carried out to eliminate internal stress and alloy precipitation, and improve its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. After that, machining, surface treatment and other processes are carried out, so that the size and surface quality of copper castings meet customer requirements.

Finally, quality inspection and packaging. The finished copper castings are subjected to quality inspection, including appearance inspection, size measurement, chemical composition analysis, etc., to ensure that the product quality meets the standard requirements. The final packaging to protect the surface of copper castings from damage, convenient transportation and storage.

In general, the production of copper castings is a complex and sophisticated manufacturing process, requiring strict control of all aspects and careful operation to ensure product quality. In the industrial field, the wide application and excellent performance of copper castings will continue to promote the continuous innovation and development of copper casting production technology.

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